Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Friday, December 19, 2014
Raw, vegan and gluten free sweet for Christmas? Homemade marzipan!
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Orange and carrot juice: so delicious!
The juice of the day is just carrots and orange. Usually I have this in winter, but I had a couple of oranges to use and it is refreshing, and so delicious!!
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Friday, November 28, 2014
Thai vegan green curry
First I started with a simple paste made with a small piece of ginger (peeled), one shallot (also peeled), fresh coriander (with stalks), green chili (not too much for me, maybe one or two), and fresh lemon grass (one stick). If you have kaffir lime leaves or rind, the are good too, apparently, but I didn't have any so I added a little lemon juice. Mush with a mortar and pestle or with a blender (I used the blender, too hot for the mortar and pestle!) adding salt towards the end.
Now, the only thing in the paste that came from the garden was coriander, and frozen (from last year) as this year my plant died! I also have lots of frozen chills to use, and a little plant that don't even have flowers yet!
The veggies: 1 carrot, 2 yellow zucchini, a few tomatoes, a few broccolini, borage tips, green capsicum, Thai mint, basil, onion weed flowers and borage flowers to decorate.
then: organic tofu and coconut cream.
I cut the tofu and placed it in a pot with the coconut cream plus one can of water (to rinse the coconut cream can). Added the green curry paste and simmered the lot for 10 minutes and then I added the rest of the vegetables in this order: carrots, borage tips, capsicum, zucchini, broccolini, tomatoes (leave a couple of minutes between each vegetable). To stir I used a lemongrass stalk. Then I tasted for salt then I added the herbs and onion weed flowers (because they were frozen), turned the heat off and cover the pot with a lid for 5 minutes. Then I added the borage flowers.
Actually, the curry paste took longer than the curry to make! Serve hot with rice.
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
coconut milk,
Ginger Mains,
Gluten Free,
green curry,
lemon grass,
Onion Weed,
Thai mint,
yellow zucchini
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Watermelon juice with lemongrass and mint
I used the flesh of a small watermelon (blend with ice and a bit of water - to get the blender moving) and then passed the juice through a sieve (not too fine, just enough to keep the seed pieces out) and then stirred it with a stick of lemongrass (best if you can leave it in the fridge with the lemongrass for 30 minutes). My mint is quite 'strong' so I added it only at the end, for decoration and a hint of fragrance. Serve with ice. I am sure that there will be readers that will think of vodka too!
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Monday, October 27, 2014
Saturday, September 13, 2014
A basket of veggies from the garden to make soup
Chop, add water (rain water for me, so this too is free!) and salt, then cook. You can add a bit of extra virgin olive oil at the end. |
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Friday, September 5, 2014
Detox! Celery, rhubarb, cucumber and apple juice
This juice tastes good and feels good! For four glasses I used seven stalks of celery (no leaves this time) half a telegraph cucumber, two stalks of rhubarb from the garden (yes, raw!) and then topped up to taste with natural apple juice (no sugar added). The apple juice is optional, of course, but I like it ;-).
For a change in my weekly bouquet from the garden I picked some parsley flowers. They look quite pretty actually, and there is no parsley smell around (I was a bit worried about that!).
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Raw juice magic: celery, lemon and apple juice
I am so into juicing these days, and the kids drink all sort of vegetable and fruit juices, the greener the better! This one is particularly good: for four glasses I used half a stalk of celery (I use the stalks and only a few leaves - mostly to give it colour, usually I keep the leaves for cooking) then half a lemon and to top a little (about 10-20%) natural apple juice. I will make this again and again, too good!
And now for something completely different:
Nearly bought this one… :-)
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Apple juice,
Gluten Free,
low fat,
Friday, August 1, 2014
Mixed salad leaves (with lots of mizuna) and edible flowers salad
This salad doesn't require much explanation: I have mixed salad leaves (lots of mizuna this year) and an variety of flowers. Did you know that you can eat impatient (busy lizzy) flowers too? They taste a bit like rocket, the best for me are the red ones, but the pink ones are so pretty! Mix and dress with extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice and salt.
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
busy lizzy,
Gluten Free,
low fat,
Olive oil,
Side Vegetables
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Sautéed Asian eggplants and asparagus with Italian herbs (and baby potatoes)
One of my favourite kitchen smells is garlic and herbs sizzling in olive oil! Here I used fresh rosemary, sage and oregano, a couple of garlic cloves, and a few long Asian eggplants, cut into halves or quarters (depending on their size). When the eggplants were done I added the asparagus (which take less time) and sauté the lot for one more minute, then added more fresh herbs, a good pinch of salt, a heavy lid, and turned the heat off. If you leave the veggies like this for 5-10 minutes they will just 'finish' cooking in their own steam.
I had herbs leftover, so I half-boiled some new potatoes, peeled them (sorry Kiwis, but I love to peel my potatoes, unless they are organic) and placed them on a baking try lined with baking paper. I added rosemary and sage, salt and olive oil. I baked the lot and the kitchen smelled lovely.
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Spinach, banana, blueberry and apple smoothie
Yes we should all eat more raw fruit and vegetables! This smoothie is super easy, for 4 glasses use 2 bananas, two cups of baby spinach leaves, one cup of blueberries and 2 cups of natural apple juice (from Oratia).
Do you like fresh juices and smoothies?
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Apple juice,
Gluten Free,
sugar free
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Super green juice, and it tastes lovely
Don't mind the basil in the background, it just happened to be there but it is not an ingredient (although, maybe next time I'll put some in, it should taste good!).
This green juice is 100% vegetable, and yet it is not bitter, and it looks 'greener' that it tastes, if you understand what I mean (I am talking to those of you that scream and run away when they see green juices! hahaha!). Use 60% celery, 35% cucumber and 5% silver beet (or another green leafy vegetable). Celery and cucumber have a mild taste and lots of water so they are perfect for juicing with 'stronger' vegetables (like silver beet, kale or spinach). Try it, you will feel so good drinking it, and after!
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Gluten Free,
low calories,
low fat,
silver beet
Monday, June 9, 2014
Fake Fish (made with potatoes, suitable for veg*s)
When I brought this plate to the table everybody laughed, and it is a fun recipe! Finto pesce means fake fish, the original recipe is a kind of pate made with potatoes, mayonnaise, capers and canned tuna (I think very 1960s!). My Mother made it, we lived in the mountains far from the sea, so fish was rare (and frozen or canned). Of course being a veg I don't use tuna for this recipe, but seaweed.
Brush and wash (but don't peel) 1 kg of mashing potatoes, then peel them and pass them through a potato ricer. Add a tbsp of capers, some nori seaweed, shredded, and a few tbsp of Vegan mayonnaise (to taste). Mix well. Shape into a fish and decorate with veggies and more nori ( I cut my nori with a flower cutter). Perfect for summer, and for kids!
Do you have a dish that makes everyone laugh?
Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Gluten Free,
Party Food,
Monday, June 2, 2014
Rose Cordial, step by step
If you have roses in your garden, and they have not been sprayed (organic) you can make your own rose cordial, beautiful and pink! The recipe is the same as for the elderberry flower syrup.
For this you will need 1 l of water, 1 kg of sugar, organic rose petals (at least 1 cup full, but the more the better), 30 g of citric acid and 3 organic lemons. Wash and cut the lemons and put them in a pot with all the other ingredients (or in a large jar, if you have it). Let this mixture stand for three days, stirring from time to time. Don't go over three days or it may ferment.
After this time filter the syrup through a muslin cloth, squeezing the lemons and flowers well.
Boil the filtered syrup for 5 minutes, removing any possible scam forming at the top. Cool down and filter again, through a finer cotton cloth this time (I do this in a funnel directly over the bottles. Use as a cordial for water, or as a syrup for cakes and desserts.
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Friday, May 23, 2014
Strawberry and Banana ice-cream: sugar free, gluten free, raw and vegan
You just need two ingredients: 2-3 bananas, sliced and frozen, and 2 punnets of strawberries, cut and frozen. It is actually better if both the banana and strawberries are quite ripe - jam quality!
Freeze the fruit for a few hours (one day is better) then put in the food processor and blend. Eat immediately. Healthy and yummy!
Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Elderberry Flowers Syrup and Elder flower Tea
Elderberry Flowers Syrup
For this you will need 1 l of water, 1 kg of sugar, about a dozen elderberry flower heads, 30 g of citric acid and 3 organic lemons (I picked some juicy organic lemons from Regina's garden).
Wash and cut the lemons and put them in a pot with all the other ingredients (or in a large jar, if you have it). Let this mixture stand for three days, stirring from time to time. Don't go over three days or it may ferment. After this time filter the syrup through a muslin cloth, squeezing the lemons and flowers well. Boil the filtered syrup for 5 minutes, removing any possible scam forming at the top. Cool down and filter again, through a finer cotton cloth this time.
Bottle and use as a cordial (it is very thirst-quenching), or to flavour desserts (like panna cottaor blamanche), ice cream, fruit salads and berries.
Elder flower Tea
I am drying the remaining flowers for tea. Dry them in the shade and keep them for winter: the tea is traditionally used to relieve cold and flu, cough and sore tummy.
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Elderberry Flower Fritters
Elderberry Flower Fritters
Yes you can eat elderberry flowers!
Shake and clean (no need to wash in water) the elderberry flowers to make sure that there is no dirt (or insects).
Mix 100g of plain flour with a tsp of icing sugar and enough cold water to make a light batter (a bit like tempura).
Pick the flowers heads by the stalk and drop into the batter, and then into hot oil. Fry, turning once, until the fritters are golden and crispy.
Dust with icing sugar and fresh elderberry flowers, then serve, hot or cold.
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Pasta e fagioli soup with Cavolo nero and a ... purple carrot!
I love pasta e fagioli (pasta and beans) soup, especially when there is cavolo nero too, this Italian kale is my favourite brassica and makes any soup taste amazing! But the surprise here was a purple carrot. Carolyn brought me one, thinking that with me being a foodie I would appreciate the novelty. I told her that I grew purple carrots but that only the outers skin was purple, and inside they were orange. She was a bit disappointed, but hey Caroly look here: I peeled the carrot and, surprise surprise, it was purple all the way through! I never seen anything like it! It almost bleed like a red beetroot (and had a light beetroot taste too, but maybe that was just my imagination, it mostly tasted like... carrot)! And it coloured the soup too, it looked like a borsch!
For the soup use one large (purple) carrot, peeled and cubed, a bunch of cavolo nero, washed, white vein removed and chopped, and one onion, chopped. Sauté everything with one tbsp of extra virgin olive oil then add one litre of vegetable stock and simmer for about 30 minutes. Add one can of cannellini beans and simmer for 10 more minutes. Remove some of the beans, add one cup of cold water and blend the soup. Bring back to the simmer, then add a handful of risoni pasta. Simmer, stirring often, until the pasta is cooked. Add back the whole beans and cook for one more minute. Serve hot or at room temperature, with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. The best soup I made in a long time, thank you for the carrot Carolyn, and for the cavolo nero Sue!
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Friday, May 2, 2014
Better than you can ever imagine: Vegan Cabbage Bolognese Sauce
This is not a quick recipe, but require slow cooking, so if you are in a rush just look at the pictures :-).
There are several vegan Bolognese sauces around, mostly using soy or fake mince, and some with lentils, but I wanted to try one with cabbage, which is not a veggie I particularly like myself, but it is highly nutritious. It came out better that I hoped!
Half a cabbage
1 large carrot
2 sticks of celery with leaves
1 large onion
1 garlic clove
A few Italian parsley leaves
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 glass wine (white or red)
1-2 tbsp tomato puree
1 l vegetable stock
salt and pepper to taste
more extra virgin olive oil to serve
With a food processor finely chop the vegetables, then put in a pan with the olive oil and sauté for a few minutes. Then add the wine and stir well. Add the tomato puree, cover and cook slowly, stirring from time to time and adding the vegetable stock little by little. Simmer for one to two hours, the more the better, I think I went over two hours. I started in the afternoon but by the time I took the last photos it was dark, so the images are a bit blurry, sorry!
Taste and add salt and pepper to taste (I like it with quite a bit of black pepper!), then use to top your pasta, drizzling with more extra virgin olive oil. Enjoy! This can also be used to fill pies, or for a gluten free variation try it on polenta! Yummy!
Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
Gluten Free,
low calories,
Olive oil,
Tomato puree,
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